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The many Hālau of Keiki Hula

The Hālau of Keiki Hula

The Hālau and Kumu Hula that compete at the annual Keiki Hula Competition are world class Hālau and Kumu Hula that have rich traditions, deep lineages and storied histories. They all bring their "A" game in their dance, costumes and mele to the competition and many of the hālau are participants in the Merrie Monarch Festival. Some of them have taken the Miss and Master titles numerous times and most have placed in the Kahiko, 'Auana and Overall categories for KeikiKāne(boys) and Kaimakahine (girls) as well as similar titles from the Merrie Monarch Festival. This page is a brief overview of the hālau that attend the yealry Keiki Hula competition with the hālau alpha sorted based on 'ohana (family) names.

Hālau Hula Olana

Kumu Hula Kumu Hula Olana Ai and Shelsea Ai Apana

Established in 1975 by Olana and Howard Ai, Hālau Hula Olana focuses on instilling culture based values in the lives of their students. They quickly grew and began performing at various community events where the director of Kalihi Palama Cultural and Arts Society invited them to participate in the Queen Lili'uokalani Keiki Hula Competition where they were perennial winners. They continued performing and competing and have been blessed with opportunities to travel the world and perform for many important people and events throughout the years.

Pearl City, Oahu


Hālau I Ka Wēkiu

Kumu Hula Michael Casupang and Karl Veto Baker

Hālau I Ka Wēkiu, under the direction of Michael Casupang and Karl Veto Baker. With over 30 years of combined study, hula brothers Casupang and Baker graduated through traditional ‘uniki ceremonies in August 1995 by Kumu Hula Robert Cazimero. The perpetuation of their hula genealogy is of utmost importance, and spans many generations. They also believe that in addition to being an art, hula is a way of life. The lessons taught through the study of hula can aid in everyday life: perseverance, dedication, commitment and respect are all values that can be learned in a hālau.

Honolulu, Oahu


Keolalaulani Hālau 'Ōlapa O Laka

Kumu Hula Keolalaulani Dalire

As the third and youngest daughter of Kumu Hula Aloha Dalire, Keolalaulani Dalire is the eighth generation hula dancer in her family. She is the namesake of her grandmother, Mary Keolalaulani McCabe Wong for whom the hālau was named. Influenced by the teachings of her mother and the rich lineage that preceded her, Keola has chosen to walk a narrow path deeply rooted in tradition and preservation for the teachings of her kumu and mother.


Hālau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniākea

Kumu Hula Kapualokeokalaniākea Dalire-Moe

Kapua Dalire – Moe is the eldest daughter of the late Kumu Hula, Aloha Dalire, and is now Kumu Hula of Hālau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea. The hālau opened in 2003 making next year, 2018, her hālau's 15th anniversary of hula. Kumu Kapua is rooted in tradition through her mother's hālau Keolalaulani Hālau ʻOlapa O Laka, founded by Kapua's grandmother, Mary Keolalaulani McCabe Wong. Kumu Kapua was the winner of the Miss Aloha Hula title in 1991 at the Merrie Monarch Festival followed by her two sisters. This is the same title earned first by their mother Aloha Dalire.


Hālau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leinā'ala

Kumu Hula Leinā'ala Pavao Jardin

Kumu Hula Leinā'ala Pavao Jardin was born and raised on Kaua'i. For her, hula has always been a life-long journey. After studying with Auntie Lovey Apana on Kauai and master Kumu Hula Rae Fonseca in Hilo, Fonseca suggested Jardin start her own hālau. She began by teaching kupuna (elders) at a Kauai senior center. Decades later, her hālau has over 200 students and is a yearly competitor at the Merrie Monarch Festival, the most prestigious hula competition in Hawai'i.

Kalāheo, Kaua' i


Hālau Hi‘iakaināmakalehua

Nā Kumu Hula, Ke'ano Ka'upu and Lono Padilla

Nā Kumu Hula, Ke'ano Ka'upu and Lono Padilla, opened Hālau Hi'iakaināmakalehua in September 2008. The hālau name, meaning Hi'iaka in the eyes of the lehua, pays tribute to their various Kumu Hula and their hula lineage. Ke'ano was a haumana of Rae Fonseca and Johnny Lum Ho of Hilo, and Lono was a haumana of Holoua Stender of O'ahu. With the blessings of their respective Kumu Hula, both Lono and Ke'ano completed traditional 'ūniki ceremonies with their mother, Kumu Hula Hokulani Holt of Maui.

Kalihi, O‘ahu


2019 Miss Aloha Hula, Master Keiki Hula and Miss Keiki Award Holders

Hālau o Ka Hanu Lehua

Nā Kumu Hula Kamaka Kukona

Kamaka was five when his mother signed him up for hula lessons, and it quickly became evident that he had a knack for it. It wasn’t long before he caught the eye of hula master Mae Kamāmalu Klein, who invited Kamaka to start the ‘uniki (graduation) process at nineteen — something of a rarity in hula. In 2003, after a successful ʻuniki process, Kūkona opened his own hula hālau, Hālau O Ka Hanu Lehua in Waikapu, Maui. Hālau O ka Hanu Lehua have made several appearances at hula festivals across Hawaiʻi, Japan and have been making regular appearances at the Merrie Monarch Festival in Hilo,Hawaii.

Waikapū, Maui


Ka Pā Nani ‘O Lilinoe

Nā Kumu Hula Lilinoe Lindsey

Lilinoe Lindsey began her hula training at the age of three from her Aunty, Joan Lindsey, and has been a lifelong dancer ever since. Since 1982, the hālau has been located in the ahupua`a of Waimalu and Mānana in the moku of `Ewa. Lilinoe’s haumana (students) include keiki to kūpuna and have danced in many hula events both competitive and non-competitive throughout the islands, including the Queen Liliuokalani Keiki Hula Competition and Merrie Monarch Festival. Since the passing of Aunty Joanie, who received Moanalua Gardens Foundation’s Malia Kau Award in 2015, the hālau now includes her students.

Waikapū, Maui

MinimalismKumu Hula Lilinoe Lindsey and Aunty Joan Lindsey

Ka Lā ‘Ōohi Mai O Ha‘eha‘e

Nā Kumu Hula Tracie and Keawe Lopes

Ka Lā ‘Ōnohi Mai o Ha‘eha‘e opened its doors with the blessings of both Kumu Hula O'Brian Eselu and Kimo Alama Keaulana on August 6, 2005 and sits under the instruction of a husband and wife team, Tracie and Keawe Lopes. Together as educators and practitioners of the Hawaiian Language and Culture they offer their students a learning environment steeped in history, upholding a rich legacy preserved in the mele hula and mele oli of old. The hālau has been active since its opening, gracing a number of highly revered stages including the renowned Hawai‘i Theatre and participating in hula competitions including Hula ‘Oni Ē, Iā ‘Oe E Ka Lā, The King Kamehameha Day Hula Competition and the prestigious Merrie Monarch Hula Festival. The hālau is located in Pū‘ahu‘ula, Ko‘olaupoko, O‘ahu and offer hula classes for ages 5 and above.

Kaneohe, Oahu


2019 Keiki Hula Olelo Hawai'i Language Awards Recipients

Hālau Kamaluokaleihulu

Nā Kumu Hula Kahulu Maluo-Pearson

Hālau Kamaluokaleihulu was created and founded by Kumu Hula Kahulu Maluo. The mission of the hālau is to educate and instill in our Haumāna the history, language, philosophies, and protocols of our culture through Hula. We strive to practice our culture to excellence and know that it is a NECESSITY to make it functional part of our lives. We encourage and foster a safe environment for learning, and inspire ‘ohana involvement. We therefore seek individuals and families that will commit to learn and study with us for these reasons.

Wai‘ohu, Maui


Hālau Kamaluokaleihulu's 2019 Keiki Hula 'Auana Performance

Hālau Hula ‘O Puka‘ikapuaokalani

Nā Kumu Hula Darcy Moniz

Kailua & Mililani, O‘ahu


2019 Keiki Hula Hālau photo

Hula Hālau ‘O Kamuela

Nā Kumu Hula Kunewa Mook and Kau‘ionālani Kamana‘o

Hula Hālau ‘O Kamuela, under the direction and tutelage of Kumu Hula Kunewa Mook, is a school dedicated to the perpetuation and preservation of Hawaiian culture through teaching the beautiful hula, a dance indigenous to the peoples of Hawaii, the language both written and spoken, and the music both old (in the form of the oli) and new.


2019 2nd Place Miss Keiki Hula Winner Ally Rae-Ann Valencia

Hula Hui o Kapunahala

Nā Kumu Hula Carolee Nishi

At this year’s Queen Lili’uokalani Keiki Hula Competition, Kumu Carolee Nishi is being honored with the Miriam Likelike Kekauluohi Achievement Award for teaching hula to hundreds of children at the Nu’uanu YMCA over the past 51 years. Nishi spends her time at YMCA volunteering at the Hawaiian Studies program, Hula Hui o Kapunahala, where she does as much as she can to promote the Hawaiian culture. She says she shouldn’t be honored with the award because she didn’t do it alone. “With the Y, we’re all volunteers,” Nishi explains. “So I commend our people for their duration and being committed.”
Full story and video at HINow website


Carolee Nishi with some of her haumāna and the Nu'uanu YMCA

Hālau Kekuaokala‘au‘ala‘iliahi

Nā Kumu Hula ‘Iliahi and Haunani Paredes

Ever since he danced his way to the Master Keiki Hula title in 1987, ‘Iliahi Paredes had dreamed of seeing his kids win the same award. So when his 7-year-old son took the title Thursday night — making them the first father-son duo to accomplish the feat — it was an emotional moment for the longtime kumu hula. “My wife and I, we just looked at each other and was crying and crying, because it has been a dream for us, said Paredes on Sunday after his hālau won top honors at the 43rd annual Queen Lili’uokalani Keiki Hula Competition on Oahu.
Full story at


2019 Keikikāne 'Auana Award winners Hālau Kekuaokala‘au‘ala‘iliahi

Hālau Hula ‘O Nāpunaheleonāpua

Nā Kumu Hula Rich Pedrina

Established in July, 1993. Our hālau through the years have broadened our horizons by expanding beyond the borders of Hawaii. We want to give our hula `ohana and others a way to be closer in touch with what Hawaii and our culture has to offer. We welcome people from all walks of life who have a love for our Hawaiian culture and the desire to be a part if a learning experience. As our Kumu Kōkua and I travel and share our knowledge, it is valuable to our hula lineage that what we bring to the haumana is true to our Hawaiian culture.


Hālau Hula ‘O Nāpunaheleonāpua Keikikane participating in 2019 Keiki Hula

Aloha ‘O Pu‘uwailani

Nā Kumu Hula Donna Noelani Sylvester


Aloha ‘O Pu‘uwailani dancers at 2019 Keiki Hula Competition

Hālau Kala‘akeakauikawēkiu

Nā Kumu Hula Kenneth Dean Alohapumehanaokalā Victor


Hālau Kala‘akeakauikawēkiu 2019 Keiki Hula Photo

Hālau ‘O Nāpuala‘ikauika‘iu

Nā Kumu Hula Sallie Yoza


Hālau ‘O Nāpuala‘ikauika‘iu dancers at 2019 Keiki Hula Competition


The Kalihi-Pālama Culture & Arts Society, Inc
357 North King St Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: (808) 521-6905
FAX: (808) 521-6906

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© 2021 Keiki Hula